Friday, May 28, 2004

the creative life

A fine commentary on art critics…..the painting “The Experts” by Decamps…..brilliant.
We’ve been away and it has been difficult to get back into the flow. Creative work is different. One cannot 9 to 5 it…… although there is the voice that echoes in the corner of my mind to squeeze the work into a standard progression. But its dangerous and damaging to make circular creativity fit into the square hole of a work day. It is all day every day, the creative life. I find it soaks everything I do from cooking to repairing old furniture and it is the breath of life for me.

Monday, May 03, 2004

the beast

I have had more than a few people comment that the characters in my work look just like me. Well, of course. And I completely embrace that. I never noticed it before, but that makes total sense. My work is about me and what is in me. It isn’t about reflecting what is on the outside. That is an easy task. My work is about mining and exposing the beast….. and the exposure of that beast is absolutely essential to becoming fully creative and in finding out who you REALLY are. Look at artwork and you can see plainly who is mining and who is mimicking (and let me say that mimicking is fine if that is your thing…). Like mining work or not, it is stark in its obviousness of TRUTH. It is the artists’ own work…. out of the soul of that person. There is nothing more exciting than that.