Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What now?

I have spent the month of December emptying my mind of anything related to my artwork. I have spent it cooking, shopping and doing not much else. It has been nice. I still have no answers, no direction and I am still on the fence of doubt. On one side is living my life out as a practicing artist and on the other some other vocation. At the moment dog walker supreme. I am good at that, too, all you folks who say art is my talent. I am good at many things. Who is to say one vocation is more important than another. At least with the dog thing I make happy dogs and provide a service to busy people. So there.

I came home from Christmas in Norfolk to an acceptance letter into the annual nation juried competition at Gallery West. Some people think that this is funny considering my turmoil over my calling. Ain’t funny.


Tracey Clarke said...

All people are good at multiple things. This is good because it allows us to do something different while clearing your mind so you can do what you love.

The most important vocation in life is to do what you love. You do not have to give up one thing in order to start another. I think you still love art and doing something else for a while will just let you breath life back into what you love.

Comment by Dad — 1/8/2007 @ 3:59 am

Tracey Clarke said...

Go for it! Do what you have to do! Personally, I believe human beings are meant to be stimulated in a variety of ways, and it is very normal for one to choose a different and new occupation, several times, throughout one’s life. Also, sometimes you need to change your perspective in order to gain new inspiration. You’ll always have art. It’s there for you if you need it. You can feed yourself in other ways.

Comment by Lee — 1/10/2007 @ 8:09 pm

Tracey Clarke said...

Elizabeth Elliot was trained as a linguist, and she believed her calling was to be a missionary in South American. Before long, God also added the calling of being a wife and mother. These roles were her calling, but only for a time. All the skills she learned, all the experiences she had, all the passion for language and ministry and relationship remained, but the way she used those skills and passions changed over time.

We are clay in the Potter’s hands, but sometimes we try to anticipate (or dictate) the shape of our pot and its use. In our lives we may find that the Potter reshapes us, adds clay, subtracts clay, and surprises us with purposes we never anticipated.

Are you flexible, available, and faithful to the Potter, willing to be reshaped in ways you have not anticipated? The skills and the experiences and the passions will remain, but perhaps the way the Potter has you use them may change.

Food for thought.

Comment by Frankie — 1/13/2007 @ 2:20 am

Tracey Clarke said...

Tracey…I was thumbing through some icons and this piece of art caught my eye. I decided to click it and found your writings. If this is of any help…your not alone. There are many of us who are feeling shaken over their calling. I believe its for more fruit. You are a talented artist. Use it for good. Show life.

Comment by Geralyn — 1/24/2007 @ 4:00 pm