Monday, April 14, 2008

I don't like mondays.....

My traps are killing me today.....sometimes a combination of intense painting and training my shoulders too hard causes trouble today, so no painting. I suppose sitting at the computer does not help either...

Stepping back from the new large painting I just finished is like taking a deep breath. There is a recovery time for sure. But I have two new ideas and have started hunting for images. Though impractical I love to work on these large 30 x 40 canvases. The smaller ones seem so confining. Once you experience the freedom of such a big space to paint on it is hard to go back.

I watched (or mostly listened to) the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy last week while painting. I find the movies to be an endless source of visually stunning inspiration. I haven't looked into what some of the actors are doing these days in quite awhile, but I found a link to Hamilton-Selway Gallery in Hollywood for an exhibit of beautiful photographs taken by Dominic Monaghan. So, have a look...more than an actor. Oh, and then there is Beecake....

1 comment:

amy said...

i recently told my students about that boomtown rats song and the genesis of its title. i don't much like mondays, either.

i'm not talking about going into a murderous rage or anything, but it really is such a sadistic day.