Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Painting Squirmish, Art Note Card Endeavour

All kinds of doubts have sprung up with the start of this new painting. My good friend often refers to my paintings as "creepy good." I like that description and feel is fits exactly what I am aiming for in my work, but I think this new one is just plain old creepy. I think it is too early to judge but it is one of those paintings in which the eyes follow you wherever you move...and sort of stare at the back of your head while writing a blog post.......hmmm.

With Pam's courage an interest has been generated for note cards with my paintings on them (made $18 this week!) I have been busy with the computer, most specifically Microsoft Publisher, making cards and inserts. After many hours of work, I have a beautiful group of note cards. So, this looks like a viable way to get the work out for people to enjoy and make a profit. Most of my paintings are available on a note card at $2.50 for single card and $10 for a five back either assorted choices or five of the same image. The come with envelopes. Pretty cool.

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