Thursday, January 20, 2011

On the the studio

My painting time is still rather effected by ongoing, but improving neck and shoulder issues. Still at two physical therapy appointments a week, so painting hours are still cut back to 15 to 20 or so hours a week. Twenty is a good productive painting week if it happens. Even as I sit here in front of the computer I can feel my neck begin to times.

This afternoon there was a short stretch when I became unaware of my physical issue and realized that I had six paint brushes in my right hand and two in my left. This is a great sign of the rhythm of "being in" a painting. A nice change from squirming and adjusting to relieve the pain.

I have about twelve to thirteen paintings lined up for the next New Mythology show in November. About half are done and another half are either started with paint or in my mind. I have sold several of the series' paintings, so I have work to do, but I don't need to really start wrapping up actual painting until August or so. Let's see what sort of magic happens until then...the state of the studio today is a fantastic mess with paintings in various stages of completion.

"Newton" on the easel...coming along beautifully....

...and Reuben, my giant snoring dog....who is totally worthless, apparently.