Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Update on all thing Art

By the way if I see one more painting of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I might lose all hope...

I started a new large 30 x 40 painting today. The main subject is a buck deer. Something relating to memories or remembering....

That white glare has been covered with an acrylic mix and beginning with one eye ball I have advanced mapping the head today. I can't get a photo due to the awful weather day. This is also why I have had such a ridiculous time getting a photo of "Diamond" up on the website.

Submitted another proposal yesterday and learning to spend more effort on the ugly "m" word,....I can hardly bring myself to say it. The Smartist Telesummit starts Thursday, so hopefully this will help.

Anyway, in the meantime, there are plenty of small paintings up on Ebay for those interested and also note cards on Etsy.

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