Friday, September 04, 2009

On the easel: The Unikoi

I have spent most of the week on this and still have more to is quite tedious. Water and fish now top my list of most challenging things to render in paint.
I was walking Reuben today and listening to Shearwater, an endless source of imagery for me, and I had a vision for the ongoing "baboon" painting. Yes, that baboon painting hangs in my house and is STILL unfinished. I will have another go at it today after a haircut. I am beginning to look like Billy Idol.


Elizabeth Seaver said...

Love the idea of you looking like Billy Idol!

Your koi is beautiful. Do you use photographic reference? Your photo or someone else's? I love the dark background with the fish swimming out of it.

Gwen Bell said...

This is coming along beautifully. I like the sense of depth created by the darker areas on the fin and tail. Paint on, Billy! (Laughed out loud at your self-comparison to Billy Idol.)

Dean Grey said...

I agree with you up to a point, Tracey.

The fish itself isn't a problem. It's painting the fish under the surface of water that's a real challenge for me.

Tedious or not, this is coming along so nicely I know it will turn out great!


Douglas Hoover said...

fish and water... I believe you've handled this challenge beautifully.
Great to hear from you, too...