Wednesday, June 15, 2005

There's Sandorfi...and then there's me.

I have been revisiting some websites of favorite artists for a little encouragement and inspiration. I had forgotten how powerful Istvan Sandorfi’s work is. Every time I retrun to it, I am again struck and struck hard. It is always just like the first time I saw his paintings all over again. Although I have heard him criticized for some of his techniques (big deal art snobs) I still swear his work to be the most powerful and compelling work of our lifetime. He is weird, too. I like a stereotypical weird artist. And his philosphy makes no sense at all. Amazing work. Looking at other artist’s work usually makes me feel pretty good about mine but Sandorfi’s is the kind of work you see and immediately feel deflated, like a sorry little balloon let go into the wind……

So, I am dug in deep working on "Morpheus" (or "Morpheus Appears as Ceyx to Halcyne"). There is a turning point with a painting when things start to come together as you envisioned them. With each work I learn something new. I aways take the long way, the hard way in a work as I rarely use any references and every element comes exclusively from my mind. I have noticed these elements in my mind to even be improving with each work. I thrive on working that way (though I might have an ulcer to show for it….).
Have a look at some others…..It will be worth your time….


Great, but I love his earlier work. He does mostly portraits now:

Narazyzn is a foremost artist from the Non-conformist movement of the late Soviet Union:

1 comment:

Tracey Clarke said...

hello, i love Sandorfi too.i think he is the best… AND I HAD THE HAPPYNESS to receive 2 emails from his personal ADRESS(NOT FOSAW).He gave me some tips, because i’m a figurative realist (trying the heperreal/surreal too) but nothing compared with Sandorfi. i studied Economics , and all by myself improving with Renaissance, Flemish technics… i’ll be in touch
and i know so many good sites too

Comment by luis — 6/20/2005 @ 9:37 am