Still having a seeming unending struggle with my shoulders and neck, I have been really limited in doing any painting or working on the computer. Though really frustrating and at moments discouraging, I have taken this week to do a lot of thinking (since I am most comfortable flat out.) I may have worked myself beyond muscle soreness to strain and now possibly something worse. I am hoping a very long massage will help on Sunday along with some rehab at home. I am ready to get back at it as that enormous stag painting stares back at me every time I wander into the studio along with several in process canvases.
We had quite the blizzard here along with several smaller snow storms over the last month, but all is on for the opening of "Myth and Mystery" Saturday night. If you are in the area, ride over to the gallery and join us for food, wine and art. There is a brand new
parking garage right next to the gallery, lots of great places to have a nice dinner and the ice skating plaza will be open.
I am so sorry your neck and shoulder are giving you such a challenge to deal with. The postcard for the show looks awesome! I know you'll blow them out of the water when they see your paintings in person. Take care of yourself Tracey. Hopefully when the weather gets warmer, the symptoms will subside.
When I heard about all the snow the D.C. area got I thought to myself, "Tracey lives there!"
I'm sorry you're experiencing a lot of physical pain at the moment.
May I suggest you do a painting that tries to capture the pain itself or is that too weird a concept?
In any case, I'm glad to hear you're trudging along in spite of all the challenges you're having!
Hope you are starting to feel better. It's so hard when our bodies have been injured and we need recovery time. Hope the opening went very well and there was a good crowd.
I know you are struggling with pain. An unfortunate challenge to your profession, I'm sure. Physical therapy with regular massages and lots of red wine; emphasis on the wine.
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