I have begun packing for our move to Fredericksburg in two weeks. I am battling a nasty cold and have so much going on. And wow! While packing my studio, I discovered a lot of old dried out paint tubes laying around. The manner in which I store my paint would horrify. I used to do a lot of colored pencil work and my drawer of colored pencils (many of them stubs) really needs to go to my neighbor's daughter, a budding artist. I wonder what else she would like to have? There are at least 20 huge bottles of acrylic paint I haven't used. Old ill cared for bushes....gone. A forced Spring cleaning of sorts...with Kleenex in hand.....
Fredericksburg has a lot of galleries and co-ops. I know a few of the artists there and have received so many warm welcomes and invitations to lunch upon my arrival. I emailed one co-op and had two generous replies from artists there. So, it appears the community there is quite inclusive. I have to say I have been a little unsure about the state of contemporary art there and whether I might find an audience. Time will tell.
So, I will be moving, traveling for a family wedding and visiting with my sister over the next two weeks.
In the meantime, have a look the work of
Heidi Taillefer. Amazing.
Oh, and here is our new place.