I have begun packing for our move to Fredericksburg in two weeks. I am battling a nasty cold and have so much going on. And wow! While packing my studio, I discovered a lot of old dried out paint tubes laying around. The manner in which I store my paint would horrify. I used to do a lot of colored pencil work and my drawer of colored pencils (many of them stubs) really needs to go to my neighbor's daughter, a budding artist. I wonder what else she would like to have? There are at least 20 huge bottles of acrylic paint I haven't used. Old ill cared for bushes....gone. A forced Spring cleaning of sorts...with Kleenex in hand.....
Fredericksburg has a lot of galleries and co-ops. I know a few of the artists there and have received so many warm welcomes and invitations to lunch upon my arrival. I emailed one co-op and had two generous replies from artists there. So, it appears the community there is quite inclusive. I have to say I have been a little unsure about the state of contemporary art there and whether I might find an audience. Time will tell.
So, I will be moving, traveling for a family wedding and visiting with my sister over the next two weeks.
In the meantime, have a look the work of
Heidi Taillefer. Amazing.
Oh, and here is our new place.
Your new place looks amazing, Tracey!
Sorry to hear about your old art supplies. Out with the old, in with the new, right?
Sounds like you have a lot of exciting things coming your way!
Congrats on the new place. Best of luck. Have been enjoying your work.
Exciting stuff Tracey, a fresh new start I would treat your self to some new paints)
Tracey, have a great (as in smooth, hassle free, no flat tires) move, and your new place looks like it will be a wonderful home to create in...Those big bay windows to let all the natural light in, woods and nature views out the back. I hope you love your new digs and settle in quickly!
Good luck in your new place :) I bet your old next door neighbour's daughter will love those pencils etc. Maybe they will inspire her to become a world-famous artist!
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