So, we were supposed to move this weekend but were unable to make closing. What has transpired with the unemployment benefits package this past week also effected anyone needing flood insurance. In short, congress allowed the bill to lapse a few weeks ago, went on vacation and thousands were unable to receive unemployment benefits or obtain flood insurance which is required by FEMA. We happened to find out a bit too late that our new home is in a "potential flood zone." Let me say that the "potential flood" would have to be of biblical proportions to reach our property. So, after a frustrating week, congress has filed an extension and we were able to get our required flood insurance for the mythological possible flood and will now be closing and moving at the end of next week. I have been away from painting for three weeks now and I am ready to get back to it...
Pam Rogers, who I met at
Artomatic last year, has a show in Atlanta at Kibbee Gallery in May. Her work is spectacular, so if you are in the Atlanta area go see the show.
Sorry to hear about the roller coaster you've been on with your new home purchase....however I am certain when all is done you will be in your new home and very happy. Looking forward to your return to the easel!
So sorry to hear that you have had so many delays. I hope you are able to enjoy your new home soon. Tracey, have you ever been part of Torpedo Factory or any of the other art co-ops down your way? I think I'm going to join one that is opening in western Loudoun in a few months. Any advice would be appreciated -
Better to be safe then sorry, right?
Maybe congress is afraid it'll rain REALLY hard just as you're about to move in.
What's another week? Before you know it, you'll be painting in your new home in no time, Tracey!
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