Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back in the Saddle

After a knock down, drag out with the cold virus from another galaxy, I am determined to paint today and have new work posted this week. I have my coffee, I have my music.....

It certainly is strange and empty to look around my house and see so many paintings missing. But hopefully, they are working their magic down at Artomatic. I feel like I am missing a part of myself.

I have painted vicariously through you all over this last week. Your posts have kept me afloat. Yet, I take no responsibility for comments made on any one's blog while under the influence of NyQuil or assorted cough medicines.

Thanks for all your well wishes and fantastic comments from old and new friends alike. You are all most welcome and immensely appreciated.


Kathleen Krucoff said...

Great to see you at your painting post and 'back in the saddle'. And NyQuil or not, I have been ever so thankful and grateful for your recent comments on my blog about my recent works!!! :D

Debra Keirce said...

Glad you are feeling better! Looking forward to seeing your painting from this week!

Dean Grey said...

Go, Tracey, go!

Glad you're getting into that fighting mode and showing that cold who's boss.

Great pic too. You make looking cool look so natural!
