Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday Night at Artomatic

We had dinner with friends near Capitol Hill last night and headed back to Artomatic for a few hours.

I was able to focus a little more on the other artwork than I was on opening night.
I will post links to these artists as we go through the Five weeks, but last night I was particularly impressed with Pam Roger's work, so take a visit to her site.

And this was rather amusing. "Carl" has painted his wall, but this was the only thing on it.
Hey, Carl, way to perpetuate myths about artists!
(ad. note Barry's comment below)

I had been warned by other participants on past Artomatics to expect some rude or ridiculous comments in guest books, but I wasn't expecting a pornographic drawing, so that was disappointing. And why is it that detractors never leave their names? I wonder why. I saw one woman write what appeared to be a lengthy comment in the book which turned out to be a lovely story. So, she really made my night by entering into the work at my invitation to viewers to write a story of their own about the paintings. I wish she had left her name!
And, business cards are going fast, so despite the cowardly and disrespectful word (and drawings), I was greatly encouraged.

with my friend, Elisa.


Gwen Bell said...

Way to go, Carl...did he ever show up?

Thank you so much for sharing Pam Roger's work. I had a visceral, almost primal reaction to her work. Her interest in Anthropology shows so strongly in her pieces. I particularly like her sculptures. They look like "People Nests"... maybe what our nests would look like if we gathered objects and material to sleep in the way birds do. Very interesting stuff!

Glad you're having a good time and getting lots of positive feedback!

Kathleen Krucoff said...

This is so exciting!

In my opinion, people who do rude things and don't leave their names are just cowards.

Pam Roger's work is really unique and very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Nice to hear lots of business cards are moving. Sounds like great experience. Looking forward to more info as you have time.

Oh, and nice picture of you with your friend Elisa.

Barry said...

Ha! Carl is an Event Planning and Management co-chair and had an emergency appendectomy with complications. He's back with the show now and working hard. So much for contributing to the myth. :)

Elizabeth Seaver said...

Tracey, sounds very cool. I LOVE Pam Rogers work! Thanks for sharing it. May your great Artomatic experience far outweigh the bad!

Dean Grey said...

Well this just sounds bizarre and rude!

Why would people leave such comments in artists' guest books?

I'm guessing they must be serving alcohol at Artomatic. That's the only logical reasoning for such nasty behavior.

Either that or those fools have nothing better to do!
